Umax Solar Carport
Features & Advantages

Structural Waterproof Panel

Integrated with Polaris the GoodWe BIPV panels ,featuring built-in waterproof structure, no need for glue, tidy and aesthetically pleasing.

Easy Installation

The industrial precision-designed GoodWe BIPV Polaris Panel features built-in snap-fit designs, significantly reducing the need for additional parts and enabling rapid on-site installation.

Modular Design

The Umax Solar Carport's modular design boosts efficiency, cuts costs and time, and adds convenience, while reducing on-site pollutants like welding dust.

Competitive Price

Competitive pricing for our top-tier product, reduced capital cost for better payback.

Fast Solution Design & Quotation

Modular design enables rapid solution design and quotation, helping to seize more opportunities in the renewable market and provide customers with superior and swift service.

Support for Various Expansion Features

We can further integrate various brands of PV and EV systems according to your needs. Optional products include induction lights, monitoring systems, and more.

Modular Steel Structure

Solid Design

Wind-resistant, meeting Australian AB wind zone standards.

Fast & Flexible Installation

Modular design for factory standard production
enhancing easy installation.

Gamcorp Test & Certified

Product certified by GAMPCORP.

Efficient BIPV Panels

GoodWe Polaris Series for Carport

GoodWe Polaris Series for Carport

Excellent self-cleaning ability
Structural waterproofing
Reinforced structural safety
Aesthetic details
Convenient installation
Additional Functional Options
Additional Functional Options
Umax Solar Carport for
Residential Projects


Power output
6.06 – 7.875 kWp
Carport Length
Carport Width
4800 - 5200mm
Solar Panels
GoodWe Polaris 505W or 525W
Solar system annual generation: 8,850 kWh – 11,500 kWh
Equivalent to approximately 12 tone of CO2 emission reduction

*The system information above highlights Umax's modular design approach. Tailored design can be made to meet client requirement or accommodate specific site conditions, including system size and carport structure dimensions.

Umax Solar Carport for
Commercial Projects
Modular single or double side carport design for up to 18 parking spots
Expandable to any desired number of parking spaces with customised design
Ideal for commercial projects.

*For reference, a Umax Solar Carport with double-sided coverage designed for 16 parking spaces (equivalent to approximately 40m in length) can accommodate a standard 100kW solar system, which is the maximum system size eligible for STC claim.

Various Applications of
Umax Solar Carport
Commericial & Industry

Shopping Centre
Business Park
Business Park
Petrol Station
Charging Station


Council Library
Community Centre


Sport Centre
Aquatic Centre

Public Transport

Bus Depot(Customised)
Bus Station(Customised)

A Hassle-Free Service Process
With our Umax Solar Carport's standardized and systematic industrial design, we offer you a hassle-free quotation process and customer service experience.
Complete Engineering & Documentation Support
Complete Engineering & Documentation Support
Thorough Installation Training
Thorough Installation Training
EV Solution Customisation to Your Needs
EV Solution Customisation to Your Needs
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Solar Carport?
A solar carport is a modern solar system, comprising a steel or aluminum frame as its base and solar panels as the roof. Beyond sheltering vehicles, it produces eco-friendly electricity. This dual function makes it an innovative solution for sustainable infrastructure, reducing carbon emissions and fossil fuel reliance.
Why do I need Solar Carport?
Solar energy is now widely embraced as a practical and cost-effective renewable energy option. Though rooftop solar is popular, not every roof is suitable or spacious enough to offset consumption. Solar carports present an alternative by combining car shading with solar generation. This innovation expands solar capacity by accessing previously unavailable locations, overcoming space limitations, and reducing dependence on conventional non-renewable resources.
Why should I choose Umax Solar Carport?
Choose Umax Solar Carport for a seamless installation process with our comprehensive solution integrating civil, structural, and electrical design. Benefit from GoodWe water-resistant panels ensuring optimal protection for passengers and vehicles. Enjoy competitive pricing with our all-inclusive package, supplying both steel structure and panels. Plus, enhance the aesthetic appeal of your car space with our visually appealing solar carport system, combining functionality with style.
Can Umax Energy provide custimised design to suit my need?
Certainly. The aim of our modular design is to simplify and smooth the job delivery, but Umax Energy is more than capable of making tailored products to satisfy specific client requirements. Whether it's residential or commercial applications, specific colors, or even intricate patterns on the structure, we will provide solutions to align perfectly with your preferences.
How long does the construction of solar carport take?
Construction time for Umax Solar Carports is significantly reduced by approximately 50%, thanks to our efficient design approach. Typically, for a 100kW standard STC system, initial design completes within 2 weeks, followed by 2 weeks of construction. Our streamlined process ensures prompt project completion without compromising quality.

Get In Touch

Have Any Questions?

Contact us to discuss your solar needs
and we'll be happy to help.

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